Personal ECG monitor (holter)

Personal ECG monitor is a portable ECG signal recorder designed to continuously monitor a patient's cardiac activity for 24 hours. The device collects data on the patient's heart rate in various conditions outside the hospital. At the end of the monitoring period, the ECG and heart rate are transferred to the COR-Medical Platform for storage and viewing.

Read more about the portable ECG monitor below ↓

Holter monitoring provides physicians with the ability to analyze the dynamics of a patient's heart rate over a long period of time, which allows them to identify abnormalities and their potential causes. This helps in formulating an accurate diagnosis and developing an individualized treatment plan for each patient.

How it works

The BHM-ER1 personal ECG monitor operates on the principle of recording the potential difference between the points of attachment of sensors to the body surface. Sensors are placed on the patient's body surface and connected to four electrodes of the device. The portable monitor records the time sequence of the heart's excitation and records the potential difference between the attachment points, which allows you to obtain detailed data on the heart rhythm.

Benefits of daily ECG monitoring:

Complete record of cardiac activity: Monitoring for 24 hours provides comprehensive information about the rhythm and function of the heart in different conditions, including activity and rest.

Diagnosis of arrhythmias: Tracking the heart's electrical signals in real time helps to detect arrhythmias and other rhythm disturbances that may not be visible during a normal examination.

Monitoring during normal activity: The patient goes about their daily routine while being monitored, which provides objective information about their heart function in real-world conditions.

Can be used in 3 positions:

The personal monitor is included:

  • Bluetooth sticker with heart rate measurement function
  • Electrode plate
  • USB cable
  • Charging device 
  • Main technical parameters
  • Standard sensitivity: 10 mm/mV ± 10%.
  • Heart rate; Heart rate measurement range, 30 beats per minute 〜 300 beats per minute, the error can be ±2% or ±2 beats per minute, whichever is greater.


  • Battery: Rechargeable lithium battery 3.7V, 70mAh
  • Input power: 5VA
  • Size: 145 mm × 60 mm × 30 mm; 
  • Weight: 137 g

You can find out the price of a personal ECG monitor or get a consultation from our manager by calling 0 800 402 400 or write on